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Sunday, April 27, 2014


Ok, I am sitting here, feeling pretty good, a few bland crackers next to me and I enjoy those more this morning than any other kind of food, because I had awful heartburn last night. It kept me up for quite a long while and therefore I thought I'd rather write down what could help against it. According to the experienced mommies, heartburn happens later in pregnancy. And I think I know what I did wrong to get it that bad.

1. Let's start with the crackers. I have them or my infamous pretzel sticks nearby, even at night. I found that I feel better when I eat a few before breakfast, actually, before getting up. Yeah, that's the erotic mommy-to-be. Still in bed, grabbing crackers and munching before even getting up. Hey, my advice, try to take a quick picture when your partner observes you doing that for the first time. Hubby's face was worth a picture, but I had no camera. :(
(Not really heartburn related, but good against nausea)

2. Eat more small meals than the three big ones. I can cope far better with the small meals now. And you won't look stuffed, either ... :)

3. Don't eat too fat. I think that was my mistake yesterday. You produce more stomach acid as a result.

4. Don't eat too spicy. Another problem for me, because I crave spicy food a lot lately.

5. Don't drink too much while you have your meal. It is better to drink between meals, I guess it is because of blowing up your stomach unnecessarily.

6. Of course, no alcohol, smoking and caffeine, because they let you produce more stomach acid, as well. 

7. Don't lie flatly in bed. If your stomach is a little higher, you'll have less of a problem. Helped me much, too, last night.

8. Don't eat right before bedtime. 

9. Eat slowly.This is more important than it sounds.

10. No chocolate and other food that might let you produce more acid than usual. 

11 Eat well. Go for the healthy, nutritious food, veggies are good, try to find those that you can digest without causing additional problems.

Maybe I forgot something important against heartburn. If so, please tell me, I'd like to add that.

My heartburn problem was a self-made one, because I ate too late, and had a craving for something fat and spicy, too. Well, maybe that would have been manageable, but then, in bed, my upper body was not propped up high and that was simply too much. Usually I eat pretty healthy, but this time I got it wrong. :(

Yummy Yummy

And I am still waiting for baby to kick me from the inside. I am waiting and waiting for her to move, so that I really feel it is her. You know, this is like waiting for a big surprise to be revealed.
There is no reason to worry, though, because I know she is well. I heard and saw her again last week and at the moment I am all too curious and excited about the movement, because as long as I am not completely sure, I always think it is just gas.


  1. I felt my first baby move at 18 weeks, but that was with the benefit of hindsight. It took until 20 weeks for me to work out the sublties of baby moving. Second pregnancy I spotted the signs at 16 weeks, mainly because my tummy muscles are thinner too.
    I drank Gaviscon by the bucket to help with acid burn. Can't think of any extras to add to your list except I ignored the chocolate one :-)
    Hugs DF

  2. Hi DF, I am waiting for this special moment so much. Lol, currently I am never sure what it is in my tummy. Maybe she has moved and I have felt it, but I still cannot identify it as such. But it is exciting, because I think that the moment won't be far away. Besides, it is nicer to say that it is baby moving, instead of saying, I have gas or digestion problems. :)
    Lol, I also keep ignoring the chocolate one a little. I stick to almost everything else, but my sweet tooth keeps getting the better of me when it comes to chocolate. I try to eat a little only, though, otherwise constipation is the next I have. We have something similar to Gaviscon, but our supply is low. There is one little bag left, but I hope I won't need that. Since last night was really bad, I will be eating extra healthy today. Maybe one tiny piece of chocolate, though? :)



  3. Hi Nina, so glad to hear all is well with baby :) I bet you will be feeling her soon ... then wishing she would stop kicking for s while lol. Some great tips :)


    1. Hi Roz, baby is doing fine, and as long as I feel that and also get this message from my doc, all else is good too. Currently it's like a kind of all-time high, lol, maybe this will change soon, when baby kicks me at night and I can't sleep because she is having a party.



  4. I can relate to this :-) It's been almost 8 years since my last baby, but the bigger your belly gets, the wise the heartburn. I used to get terrible cravings for lemon sorbet late at night in my third trimester. I would get heartburn so bad it made me nauseous. Good for you for taking steps to reduce your heartburn!

    1. Yummy, hmmm, I think I don't have to wait that long before I start cravings for lemon sorbet. I love that, it's just the right thing, warm weather, the sun is shining and then having delicious lemon sorbet. I'll just make sure I eat it in the afternoon, because heartburn at night really sucks. A lot. And when the heartburn grows with the belly, there is still plenty of room for more. I'll definitely heed your warning and better be very careful.



  5. All very good tips, even for non-pregnant ladies. Small meals are key--over-eating always creates heartburn for me. Hopefully you find a remedy and can get some sleep!

  6. Hi Autumn, I pay more attention now to the small meals - rule than before. And the best remedy was not eating too fat and spicy at the same time, too late in the evening, and too much. So, for now, all is fine again and I hope I manage to go on that way.



  7. I go with the gaviscon.
    I remember going to a party everyone else brought a bottle of wine or beer and I sat all night slurping directly from my bottle of gaviscon!

  8. Lol, Janey, that sounds ... uhm different. I have never thought about what will be at a party, when I am in my third trimester. But I listen carefully to your advice and make sure that we have enough bottles here.




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