This is something
Ana Vitsky did in January 2014, and since I love lists I thought I'd also give it a try. :) However, Ana did not want the typical answers that would come, so her rules say 'No friends, family, work, bubble baths, alcohol, or food.' For me, the idea behind this list is to think positively, which is awesome. :)
There is no order in it, I just let the thoughts come. If I did not count right it is
because I am maybe a wee bit tired, but feeling better, which
is because of Kate/Katharina and Tilda and hubby; in addition, my besty
came over for a few days and helped (a lot!). So, Amy is definitely t h e major reason why I am tired but feeling in a good place with enough energy to write. I couldn't see granny yet, which I'd love to do this week together with Kate, but hubby and Amy have already vetoed this for the next days, and I'll also have to wait and see what my midwife will say tomorrow. All of them want the best for Kate and me, which makes it easy to do as told, although I can't wait to show granny our little one. :)
Ok, the list ...
1. The lovely smell of a baby!!! :)
Smell of leather
Strong, vivid colours
Looking at paintings
Anything Monet
Round flowing shapes
The smell of catmint
A light summer breeze
Changing sheets
Sleeping in a clean bed
The first sip of fresh water when you are really thirsty (is that food?)
Going to England (hm, this is about family, I guess)
Listening to Swedish
Listening to Gaelic
Watching Flamenco dancers
Wearing new shoes without blisters
Watching toddlers play
Playing with them! :)
Being hugged. You have no idea how susceptible this makes me.
Giving a loving hug
Cuddling toddlers :) ... I am stretching the rules, I know
Making a present
Being physically close to someone (not sex!)
Learning something new
Frozen cobwebs in the sun
Anticipation of a good girl spanking
Clean, folded laundry
Putting it into the wardrobe
Wearing clean and freshly laundered clothes
Leaving a plane alive after the flight
Finding my favourite childhood doll in a box
Working in the garden
Planting new flowers and waiting for them to grow
Painting and drawing pictures
Sculpting with clay and wondering what the product is meant to be :)
Sitting down after standing for hours
Singing favourite songs
Helping someone else to be happy
Creating something new
Finishíng a DIY project
Planning a sewing project
Sewing it
Looking at a self-made dress
Preparing a meal and being told that what I cooked was delicious :)
Creating connections and keeping them up (I am sorry for being away from here so much lately!)
Good news
Making music
Listening to the early birds at dawn
Holding a kitten or puppy
Laughing (the good kind of laughing)
Reading books
Sitting under a sky full of stars with someone I trust and enjoying the moment (stretching everything here)
Sitting under a sky full of stars with someone I trust and enjoying the moment (stretching everything here)
54. Chocolate (that is not food, is it?)
54.1 If chocolate i s considered food and not soul-nourishment, I'd add blooming sunflowers :)
You know, not mentioning family and friends is sooo almost impossible when writing about what makes me happy, food almost as much. Hm, I think I need to diet soon. :)
Wishing you all a wonderful week!